Le Reve
Terms and Conditions:
- The campaign duration is 3rd-19th December 2022
- The fans need to submit their prediction of the winning country on the participation link : [link] before the match starts.
- The link will be active for a day prior to match and will be disabled before the match starts.
- The prediction will not be countable without the name, and mobile number required on the link.
- Every fan who predicted right will get a TK 500 GV through SMS each time they predicted correctly after the match.
- The Gift Voucher of TK 500 can be redeemed against one invoice of Tk 3000 or more at stores and online.
- One fan can predict only 1 time before the match.
- The authority reserves the right to elaborate, change & terminate this contest or to amend any terms & conditions at any time without prior notice.
Click the link to submit your prediction:
Argentina vs. Croatia – https://www.lerevecraze.com/fifa-winner/?match-id=RRa2BEmnxV
Morocco vs. France – https://www.lerevecraze.com/fifa-winner/?match-id=M7pBkHLZYz